by Tyler Darke
Another week, another brilliant film. The Usual Suspects is one of my all time favorite movies. Not only does it star one of my favorite actors (the great Kevin Spacey), but it is also a complex thriller that keeps you on your toes. It is one of those movies that you cannot miss a second of, and why would you want to anyways?
The cast does a fantastic job of portraying very quirky, individualistic characters. While they are all criminals, they could not be more different personality-wise. Perhaps the most unique of all the characters is Roger "Verbal" Kint, played by Kevin Spacey. From the beginning of the movie, we recognize him as being very different from the rest of the gang. The most obvious reason is his crippled leg that causes him to hobble around. As he is interviewed, he comes across as kind of a weak man, not at all capable of leading organized crime operations...or so we think.
This film leaves the viewer with a surprise ending that nobody could have anticipated. Whatever you thought you had figured out, you didn't. Whoever you suspected to be Keyser Söze, was wrong. It is an incredible shock that causes you to rethink your analysis of the entire film. For this purpose, the film benefits from multiple viewings; although, as my colleague mentioned in our podcast, the it can never really be enjoyed as much after the first viewing. This said, it at least allows you to see the events of the film with a different perspective, knowing how it ends. Watch it again with someone who hasn't seen it, at least they'll be surprised!
There are many aspects that contribute to the success of this film, but the true beauty is in the plot, which I would not dare attempt to summarize. So go check it out! You will not be disappointed. 10/10
"Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Söze."
- Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey)
Welcome to The Darke, McPhaul, and Isham Review! We are three college students who love watching movies. Every Sunday, each of us will post a review of a movie of our choosing. We will also post reviews at random of movies that we decide to write about. Look for our podcasts as well! We do not have a set schedule for them, but we try to post one every other week. Please comment, subscribe, and enjoy reading the DMI Review! Questions? Concerns? Contact us at
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