Sunday, March 10, 2013

Life of Pi

By Harry McPhaul

I went into Life of Pi expecting it to be a boring nature film that I would not enjoy.  I heard about how visually pleasing it was which made me think it was going to be less story and more breathtaking images.  It turned out to be completely different than what I was expecting.  It was film about a young man who was thrown overboard with a few zoo animals on the way to Canada. 
I thought the choice to have an adult Pi narrate the story was excellent.  It made the film seem more realistic because he could remember almost every emotion and thought process of the entire voyage.  It was amazing how he figured out that there was no way he could survive on an island he found out in the middle of the ocean.  The island was one of the most beautiful parts of the film.  It had an immense amount of color and although I am pretty sure the meerkats were digitally created they looked incredibly real.    
I would have liked to see it in 3D just to see if all visual effects still had the same of amount clearness.  Overall I was thoroughly impressed by this film.  I went into this film thinking that I was not going to like it because I thought it was just going to be about a boy and a tiger stuck in the ocean.  I am glad I was wrong.  It in fact is a tale that “will make you believe in God.” I would give this film an 8.5/10. Must see. 

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