About the Authors

Tyler Darke

Favorite Movie: Crash

Favorite Actor: Morgan Freeman

Favorite Actress: Jodie Foster

Favorite Genre: Suspense

Writing Style: I like to provide a concise synopsis of my take on the movies we review. 
                      My approach is generally acting-based, but I do address other areas of  
                      the movies. 

Interest in Film: I genuinely love the entire experience surrounding movies. I don't 
                          have an interest in pursuing a film career, but I love watching     
                          movies, talking about them, and writing about them as a hobby. I 
                          have a passion for film that is hopefully evident in my writing!

Harry McPhaul

Favorite Movie: The Usual Suspects

Favorite Actor: Robert De Niro

Favorite Actress: Tina Fey

Favorite Genre: Comedy

Writing Style: Generally, I like to write more about the specific scenes that I enjoyed
                      or found dreadful. I try to write my reviews as if I was speaking to one 
                      of my friends.

Interest in Film: Films I believe are an escape from reality, where we can have the
                          experience of seeing our world from a different perspective.  Also, in 
                          many cases we can see someone's imagination come to life which 
                          usually is highly interesting. Its the feeling of viewing someone's hard 
                          work and attention to detail that brings me to see many films.

Hunter Isham

Favorite Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Favorite Actor: Harrison Ford

Favorite Actress: Meryl Streep

Favorite Genre: Action/Adventure

Writing Style: When reviewing films, I try to provide some background on the film,
                      such as its premise and cast, as well as what it is about the film that
                      makes it worth one's time (or not). I also like to look at a film's
                      meaning if it has any worth discussing.

Interest in Film: I am currently studying film and television production in Los Angeles,
                          so one could say my love of film is both personal and professional. I
                          have always loved movies, but when I realized I might one day want
                          to dedicate my life to them, my interest went into overdrive. Films
                          can move, excite, and sometimes disgust us, and no matter their
                          quality or intent, they bring us an experience like no other.

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