Friday, February 8, 2013

The DMI Review Podcast: Episode 1

Invasion of the Pod People
by Hunter Isham

UPDATE: Our podcast is now available on the iTunes Store.

        Big things are happening here at the DMI Review! We would like to debut the very first edition of our new podcast, cleverly titled the DMI Review Podcast. On this inaugural episode we discuss the film's we've reviewed thus far (plus Lincoln, for which we'll have some reviews up tomorrow), as well as our picks for the 85th Academy Awards. We hope this will become a new tradition here at our young review blog, bringing you a new audio podcast about every two weeks.
        There's a brief disclaimer at the beginning of the podcast explaining that, given our unfamiliarity with this whole process, we have some technical issues yet to overcome (mainly better microphones), but we hope you'll enjoy our conversation all the same. We discuss Silver Linings Playbook, Argo, Zero Dark ThirtyLincoln, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Skyfall, and The Dark Knight Rises, so if you want to avoid any spoilers for those films (particularly the first three), proceed with caution. With that, we present the first episode of The Darke, McPhaul, and Isham Review Podcast.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to do a podcast, guys! I loved hearing all your takes on the different movies.
