Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The DMI Review Podcast: Episode 2

We're Baaaaaack

by Hunter Isham

        Hello all, and welcome back to the Darke, McPhaul, and Isham Review Podcast. On this, our second installment, we devote the entire 110 minute runtime (feature length!) to the 85th Academy Awards. We discuss the top awards, first time host Seth MacFarlane, and the overall telecast. Unfortunately, we're still battling some technical difficulties, but such are the wonders of recording a podcast with subpar microphones and Skype. An early bright spot we hope you enjoy is the introduction of our new theme music, a short piece of Leonard Rosenman's score from 1986's Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. The show is available on iTunes, as well as below:

        If you have any suggestions of films we should review, questions for the staff, or just want to drop us a line, you can contact us at our new site email:

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