Sunday, April 7, 2013

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

By Harry Mcphaul

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was a classic action adventure film.  Within the first 15 minutes of it I felt that this one original films to have this storyline.  Should it have won best picture, no but it was almost equally as important as a best picture winner.  Although I have not seen every one of his adventures, I thought it was a good idea to have some backstory about Jr. (Indiana Jones).
The dates in the beginning threw me off because I was wondering how he could still be alive to do the latest film.   I was thinking that was one major hole in the story.  You do not really find out how he has lived for so long until the end film.  The possibility of immortality never was the outcome Indy was looking for which caused me to forget about it.  You could tell that that all Indy was thinking about was rescuing his dad (Sean Connery).
The relationship between Indy and his father was excellent.  It was confusing trying to figure out what type of father Professor Henry Jones was to Indy.  During several scenes Henry Jones’ work came before Indy.  I was not sure if this was just for comedy or he actually thought that work was more important.  Overall they had great chemistry together because of how they were so believable as father and son.
The relationship between Henry and Indy was a little bit cheesy at sometimes just like other parts of the film.  The whole film just seemed more relaxed.  It definitely was funnier than the Temple of Doom.  One of the only flaws I had with this film was that it lacked a truly memorable scene.  For instance in the Temple of doom when a heart is ripped right out a person’s chest. Other than that it was well done film.  I would highly recommend it.  8.5/10

Thanks for reading.

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